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Preventative Medicine
The old addage "Prevention is worth a pound of cure" is definitely key in Veterinary Medicine. Many severe diseases have been prevented with current vaccination protocols. Routine exams allow us to make note of any changes that occur and treat conditions before they become too severe.

Annual Wellness Examination
We provide a thorough examination at each annual visit. This helps us note any changes in overall health from year to year.
We tailor each vaccination protocol to the individual pet depending on lifestyle and where they live. We offer the safest vaccines possible with proven low reactivity rates.
Heartworm Prevention
Alabama is considered a hot bed for Heartworm Disease. For this reason, year-round heartworm prevention is highly recommended. We recommend Heartgard Plus for dogs and Revolution for cats.
Flea Prevention
Alabama is also known for having a very large flea population, especially in the warmer months. We recommend NexGard which is a tasty beef chewable that prevents both fleas and ticks for our canines. Revolution is a topical flea and heartworm prevention that we recommend for our feline patients.
We strongly recommend placing microchips as a permanent identification system. These have proven time and time again to be crucial in returning a lost pet or proving ownership in theft cases.

Geriatric Examination
Geriatric is a very loose term and can apply to many different ages depending on species, breed, etc. For instance, a 5 year old Great Dane is considered geriatric while a 9 year old Domestic Short Hair feline may still be considered an adult.
For our patients that are in their later stages we recommend biannual exams as overall health can change rapidly. We also recommend performing annual baseline blood work to evaluate the overall function of your pets organ systems.